Tuesday, September 1, 2009


"Michael Grinspan" is one of the most anagram-able names ever. Don't believe me? Go to http://www.free-online-calculator.com/general_reference_tools/online_dictionaries/anagram_generator/anagram_generator.shtml and see for yourself. There are well over 67,000 anagrams for "Michael Grinspan."

Here are the best ones (and what they sound like to me)

Plasma Enriching = Good for the heart, like an anti-oxidant.
A Spinach Gremlin = A Japanese fairytale (also inspired a Miyazaki movie)
Clansman Pig Hire = Some sort of neo-nazi ceremony involving barn animals
Hangnail Crisp 'Em = A Detective from the 30’s
A Penal Smirching = Hehe…Penal…
Rascal Hem Pining = A fun lovin’ country band
Machine Gnarls Pi = A dessert with a robot/CeeLo interior.
Chapels an Rimming = A filthy British sexual move

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